How Your Complex PTSD Freeze Response Screws You and Protects You at The Same Time

The Complex PTSD Freeze Response

You dissociate to protect the still functional parts of yourself.

When you disconnect, your energy becomes more present in the upper body and more disconnected from the lower body. It is usually the diaphragm that keeps a lid on the unresolved emotions that remain in the belly area. 

You dissociate to protect the still functional parts of yourself.

Alongside this disconnection, you will likely default to some form of substance or behavioral addiction to cope with your excessive stress.

Fragmentation & The Complex PTSD Freeze Response

This is a good thing in the sense that you do not feel constantly overwhelmed.

It is a not so good thing because this fragmentation causes secondary problems of addiction, short attention span, inability to focus and get things done, not being sensitive to the needs of your body, and often feeling somewhat depressed or numb.

It is a bit of a "damned if you do (reconnect = getting overwhelmed), damned if you don't (stay disconnected = not feeling alive)." 

It is a real dilemma!

the complex ptsd freeze response

To unwind and unfold trauma, you need to go carefully in and out of the emotional residue that is stored in the body.

Working Through The Complex PTSD Freeze Response

A trauma informed therapist can be a great help, but it is just really hard to find them!

And, working with a therapist who is NOT attuned to your needs and individual process can add insult to injury.

To help you gradually reconnect with the body and process emotional residue, I have created The Trauma Care Resources.

Included are somatic meditations that guide you step by step through the different parts of the body where emotion is held and how they relate to the different "mind" states of; disconnection/depression, excessive thinking, loss/grief/sadness, anger, anxiety, and the fight, flight, please-appease, and freeze responses.

These guided meditations put the emphasis on working on your containment and building resilience, without getting overwhelmed, so that you can safely process your emotional residue.

Check out exactly what you are getting and get started - RIGHT HERE

To your recovery,


  • Do you want to reduce anxiety, hyper-vigilance, and being “ON” alert constantly?
  • Do you want to move out of a dissociated, fatigued and depressed state?
  • Do you want to work with anger and reestablishing boundaries?
  • Are you interested in sleeping better, having better relationships, and being able to live a normal life?

I have created The Trauma Care Exclusive Package which address the most fundamental insights into the processes of trauma and dissociation and how you can work through them.

  • Laurent J says:

    I am always wary when someone pitches meditation for cptsd / ptsd, as for many, its very dysregulating

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