When You Have Decided That Enough Is Enough
healing from narcissistic abuse
Roland Bal’s 6-module, 13 chapters, program gives you the know-how and tools to work towards more independence, to be able to set boundaries, reduce anxiety, and give more validation to yourself.
The need to manipulate, dominate, and subjugate in order to get control, validation, and a sense of self; in short, these are the hallmarks of someone with a narcissistic personality.
In the times we live in right now, narcissism is more apparent than ever.
Lies, changing of the narrative and goalposts, and empty promises have permeated media, government, and the individuals who are in charge.
What was more hidden and seemed to happen on a more individual level is now happening left, right, and center.
I have said it before: trauma is the pandemic.
It is only by understanding and working through our emotional residue, and adjusting our default fight, flight, please-appease, and freeze responses to healthy levels, that we can start to heal.
Introducing the
Healing from Narcissistic Abuse Program
Here is a preview of the intro of this course to give you an idea of how this program is structured and what you are getting. Have a look inside!
Start Healing from Narcissistic Abuse Today!
In this program, I go in-depth into two survival responses that often form a symbiotic abusive relationship bond with each other; someone with a fight-anger personality and someone with a please-appease personality.
If you have been subject to narcissistic abuse, you will likely have found that you have suffered shaming, been made to feel worthless, had to deal with control, subjugation, and a continuous invasion of your personal boundaries.
These are some of the personality traits of an unresolved fight-anger response as acted out by a narcissist.
In turn, you had to adapt to survive, to a please-appease response to minimize or avoid further abuse.
These two responses go hand in glove.
Once these patterns are clearly described, I discuss what is needed to reverse these patterns to assist recovery.
About The Course Facilitator,
Roland Bal
In the field since 2002, I have helped hundreds of people, through individual sessions, to make significant change in their personal well being. Additionally, I have reached many thousands more through my insightful, accurate, and descriptive writings about the harrowing conditions of Complex Trauma and PTSD, and have pointed the way towards what can be done about it in order to heal.
My unique approach focuses on containing, regulating and processing, dissociation, the fight-flight-freeze-please responses, and re-learning boundaries and vulnerability.
I'll be honored to work with you and help you make real progress towards recovery!
Roland Bal
Benefits You Will Get from This Program
First and foremost, this course will outline the symbiotic relationship between the please-appease and the fight-anger (narcissistic) survival response. Outlining these dynamics will help move you out of cognitive dissonance, and pave the way for the next steps of recovery.
Once recognition of the abuse you go through or have gone through is in place, your next challenge is to gradually become more assertive and give voice and action to what you don’t want, to start with, and eventually to what you do want.
This isn’t an easy task if your survival response has rested on being a please-appeaser and when you defaulted to adapt, submit, and subjugate in order to survive.
Both through the video conversations and the somatic guided meditations in this course, I will help you to:
Create Awareness of The Various Forms & Expressions of Narcissistic Abuse
Undo Cognitive Dissonance & Start to Recognize Narcissistic Abuse for What It Is
Address Codependency & Make Steps Towards Being More Independent Emotionally & Financially
Confront Anxiety & Discomfort Related to The Fear of Rejection & The Need to Belong & How to Overcome That
Start to Set Boundaries to Help Lower Anxiety
Work On Your Containment To Be Able to Process Emotions That Will Come Up
Remove Yourself From An Abusive Environment Through Setting Boundaries & Giving Validation To Self
Be Able To Differentiate Better Between “Other” & “Self” Through Healthier Boundaries
Access & Use Anger Constructively as Boundaries
Create An Environment That Does NOT Rely On Narcissistic Codependency & Is Overall Conducive to Your Health & Well-Being
STOP Being Further Taken Advantage Of
This course goes deeply into the aspects of the please-appeasing response and how you can recover from and balance out that particular survival response.
This course will help move you through the stages of starting to recognize narcissistic abuse, facing the discomfort and anxiety of rejection or not belonging, and creating the ability to set boundaries and/or remove yourself from direct abuse.
Get access to this 6-module, 13 chapters of video content and summary videos, fully edited pdf transcripts, & somatic guided recovery techniques & meditations.
Your purchase will give you lifetime access, including any future updates!
Here’s What People Are Saying about This Program On Healing from Narcissistic Abuse
I found the stories, information and strategies affirming
I found the information and strategies affirming, educational and hopeful. I appreciated the summaries very much, as I would sometimes get lost in my own story while watching your conversations. As always, the meditations helped take my understanding to a deeper and more personal level.
The information that Roland presents in these materials helped me to access deeper understanding of my own locked up emotions so I could make progress in recognizing, processing, and resolving them. The information presented by Roland was an essential piece of the puzzle that contributed to my healing, and for that I am grateful.
I found the course helpful.
I found the narcissistic abuse course helpful. The information gave me insight and understanding of my experience. The course encouraged me to reflect on my childhood and work on myself to heal past wounds.
This exceptional course has given me invaluable insight into healing from Narcissistic Abuse. A mind-blowing program with a wealth of new information I had not come across anywhere else, and it’s easy to understand. An absolute must-have for the subsequent stages of healing. Thank you!
This was a very powerful meditation for me
I did the first meditation on recognition and validation of the narcissistic abuse I went through for the first time today and it was wonderful. I felt a release like I was about to cry and all the tensions and sensations had left me. This was a very powerful meditation for me. I will be using it regularly!
I really needed help to move forward
I really needed help to move forward and release a lot in my life. I was stuck for a very long time and searching for a way to move forward. I went to see a psychologist, joined online groups, tried other methods, read and searched a lot until I stumbled across this program. Nothing to date has been able to assist me and serve me as well as this program.
south africa
Your program is well done
Your program "Healing from Narcissistic Abuse" is well done and has helped me to progress further in my healing. Your meditations are spot-on, compassionate, softly leading through feeling and releasing trapped emotions. The meditation on boundaries works extremely well. Thank you, Roland.
I am taking this course slowly, as it is incredibly valuable. I would highly recommend this course to someone who hasn't had great results through therapy, as it has had a powerful impact on me.
My mind and nerves are drastically calmer
A lot of what I learned about CPTSD from Roland, I had never heard before. My mind and nerves are drastically calmer and I am feeling more grounded, less disassociated, and more hopeful about my future. I now have useful tools to help me as I continue on my journey and try to move forward with my life.
United states
I was truly relieved to come across these resources
After years of suffering and countless therapists and meditations I was truly relieved to come across Roland and his resources that gave me the explanations that have eluded me all of this time at 48 I have hope and a direction towards healing and living my best life as a choice not a reaction to past trauma.
Practical, simple, and effective.
Roland has helped me look at trauma issues from a very practical, simple, and most importantly, effective viewpoint. I've seen a lot of progress on my journey by understanding trauma binding factors, as he describes them.
united states
Rich, thorough content. Hugely insightful. (Thank you to the speakers for their humility, vulnerability, and absence of inflated egos.) Empowering language around the theme allows the viewer to grasp, use, define, and free themselves from their experiences. Additionally, practical and helpful steps are offered to support the viewer's healing journey. The combination of information and somatic meditations provides release. Thank you!
What's Inside the Healing from Narcissistic Abuse Program
Click on each heading below to see what's inside
MODULE #1: The Fight & fawn Survival Responses
MODULE #2: Tactics, Traits & Types of Narcissistic Abuse
MODULE #3: Cognitive Dissonance & The Healing Journey
MODULE #4: Working with Boundaries
MODULE #5: Breakthroughs, Sadness & Inner work
MODULE #6: Somatic Guided Meditations
Click on the heading below to see what's inside
33 TOPICS >> Covered In This Program
STOP Being Further Taken Advantage Of
This course goes deeply into the aspects of the please-appeasing response and how you can recover from and balance out that particular survival response.
This course will help move you through the stages of starting to recognize narcissistic abuse, facing the discomfort and anxiety of rejection or not belonging, and creating the ability to set boundaries and/or remove yourself from direct abuse.
Get access to this 6-module, 13 chapters of video content and summary videos, fully edited pdf transcripts, & somatic guided recovery techniques & meditations.
Your purchase will give you lifetime access, including any future updates!
Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse and Complex Trauma isn’t linear and isn’t easy. You will have breakdowns before breakthroughs, and you will have to persist and simultaneously be patient to see shifts and results in improving your well being.
Recovery and healing are a process where you start with an intention to want to heal and a commitment to want to put in the work, whatever it takes.
If you are ready to commit and do whatever it takes to create more independence, and start implementing the strategies and exercises, you will see results.
That is my promise to you; that if you are willing to learn from the material and apply what you are guided through in the somatic meditations, you will see improvements in your ability to set boundaries, to become emotionally more contained and balanced, and make significant steps forward in your recovery.
I have put in the work to make this program work for you, and I want you to feel confident about making this purchase and investment in yourself.
How the Fawn Response Wires the Nervous System
Here is a part of a conversation, describing the complexity of the fawn or please-appease response, that I pulled right out of the course content.
When Enough Is Enough:
Healing From Narcissistic Abuse
PS. If you scrolled right away to the bottom of this page, like I tend to do, here is the deal:
This course gives you the know-how and tools to work towards more independence, away from the codependency attachment to a narcissist. As a byproduct of the above, you will, in time, be able to be more financially and emotionally independent.
This course will help to give you the insights into why you please-appease, how that ties in with the need for belonging, and how that creates symptoms of attachment, anxiety, and depression.
Furthermore, you will be guided through the somatic meditations and exercises to rewire those survival responses and bring them to more healthy, balanced-out levels.
This course will go into how to gradually set boundaries, through accessing anger constructively, and how that will help you to reduce anxiety and dependence and how thereby you will give more validation to yourself.
This course comes with a 15-days money-back guarantee! I trust that you will give this course your best effort to make it work for you.
Last but not least, this offer goes for $247 today. The full retail price is $997
Included are 6-modules, 13 chapters, of video content and summary videos (+5 hours), edited transcripts of all video material, and somatic guided meditations and techniques to make real shifts on an emotional/somatic level.
Now is the time!
Start Your Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse Today!
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