Complex PTSD Symptoms & Dissociation

Keywords: Dissociation Symptoms.

Having PTSD means that you can’t hold and process the surplus of emotional charge, and therefore you are not healing.

What goes with that is dissociation through what I have named "binding factors". It is those binding factors that bring the energy of trauma into the headspace, and thereby also further stimulate the very emotion that is overwhelming to you.

Having PTSD means that you can’t hold and process the surplus of emotional charge, and therefore you are not healing.

It is a Catch-22.

Binding Factors, Dissociation Symptoms, and Anger

In this video, I will explain what that looks like in action using the example of anger and its binding factors of blame, self-righteousness, faultfinding, and self-reproach. When uncontained anger moves up in the head, it will stimulate thoughts of blame, self-reproach, or self-righteousness. Those thoughts, in turn, will stimulate the underlying emotion. This process--and the continuation of dissociation symptoms--will start to loop on itself.

To curb that, can you give containment to your anger by negating going into the thoughts that relate to that anger? It is by starting to contain the anger and negating going into your thoughts that you can reverse the dissociation symptoms of anger and work towards resolution.

Have a listen to this 2.20 min video and leave your comments below if this video resonated with you.

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