How to Heal PTSD
Shame, blame, guilt, embarrassment, regret, self-reproach, pride or self-righteousness are always present to some degree when you have suffered from PTSD, CPTSD or Childhood Trauma. They are the glue which binds the cyclical attachment to trauma.
Those excessive thoughts, however, are reactions towards the core emotions of fear, anger, and sadness, which always carry some elements of judgment within them.
Dissociation in PTSD as a Coping Mechanism
Excessive thoughts help diffuse the high energy charge of traumatic emotional stress, but simultaneously keep those stress levels active, which often causes them to become focal points in themselves.
It is vital to see it from this perspective; that they are the outcome of trauma and part of a dissociation process.
This will help take away the importance placed on shame, blame, guilt, and self-reproach, which in turn helps you to contain those things and allows you to approach the next question:
What is/are the underlying emotion(s) that give rise to those excessive dissociative throughts?
Reversing Dissociation as Treatment for PTSD and Childhood Trauma
Dissociation, by its very nature, expands outwards, leading to more complexity. It moves from physical emotion into thought, then habits, then coping patterns and addictions.
By taking away the importance you place on shame, guilt, blame, self-reproach, pride, regret, and embarrassment, through looking at them as the natural responses to an unnaturally high, stressful event or period, you reduce the problem you're making of them, thus giving yourself access to the underlying layer of overwhelming emotion(s).
The work then begins the process of containing and working through those emotions, putting them in perspective in relation to the event or period gone through, and slowly starting to release, integrate and process that emotional residue.
I have created The Trauma Exclusive Package which address the most fundamental insights into the processes of trauma and dissociation and how you can work through them.
Niahm, Ireland