Keywords: PTSD Hyperarousal.
Exploring with Dr. Art O'Malley the nervous system's responses of PTSD hyperarousal, dissociation, and the freeze response.
In this video, we're going into the nitty-gritty of what happens on a nervous system level when we go through trauma. Art explains succinctly how we go from a sympathetic NS freeze response to a fight-flight response and from there collapse into a parasympathetic NS freeze response.
Physical Symptoms of The Shut Down and PTSD Hyperarousal Responses
From the nervous system, symptoms will start to trickle down and start impacting the digestive system and immune system. Additionally, what keeps the wheel of trauma ongoing is that our thoughts start to interfere as blame, guilt, and self-reproach. These thought patterns, as judgment towards self or towards others, keeps the underlying emotion activated.
The Role of The Therapist in Dealing with Trauma and PTSD Hyperarousal
The role of the objective observer, as the therapist, helps to contain the PTSD hyperarousal and shut down symptoms. Furthermore, you will avoid going into where the pain lies. A counselor or therapist helps to point out your blind spots and gently-- through proving sufficient containment-- helps you to hold your initial overwhelming pain.
How are you dealing with PTSD Hyperarousal and the shutdown response? Leave your comment below.