Keywords: PTSD Anxiety, Anxiety PTSD.
The causes of PTSD anxiety might be manifold. You could have gone through a life-threatening experience, you feel constantly overwhelmed, you have a lack of boundaries, or you feel a need to control others, or the environment around you.
All of them can give rise or continuation to feeling PTSD anxiety.
Without going too much into the specifics of PTSD anxiety and how to work with that, I wanted to give you a simple technique. What can you when working with anxiety, is to reduce your window of time. Also, you can reduce the number of tasks that you feel you have to do.
So, rather than focusing on five tasks all at once that you feel you need to do. Could you just focus on one task? Could think of what you can do this morning or what can you can do in the next hour.
PTSD Anxiety and Narrowing your Window of Time
Focus on that. It could be a simple thing. It could be cleaning the bathroom, or cleaning the kitchen, or sending something off to the post. Ordering something online. Just one task that you feel that you have the energy for and are able to accomplish.
When you just focus on one thing, which is kind of narrowing your window of time, you also set yourself up for a sense of achievement. A sense of success, which can help you to feel good about yourself. It can give you momentum to keep pushing forward.
What is it that you can do today to manage your PTSD anxiety? Leave your comments below.