Trauma Symptoms and Conditions: PTSD and CPTSD

Trauma symptoms and conditions will become apparent mentally, emotionally and physically. Whichever way trauma enters the body or mind, all aspects of the human psyche are involved.

Unreleased traumatic stress disrupts the nervous system and emotional balance. It puts the nervous system on high alert; this is accompanied by a whole list of inhibited tendencies which manifest as anxiety, panic, hyperactivity and vigilance, inability to relax, emotional flooding, sleeplessness, rage, and hostility.

The Trauma Symptoms of Activation and Collapse

Once the energy is negatively discharged through the symptoms mentioned above, the nervous system often spirals into a depressed state accompanied by lethargy, deadness, disconnection, exhaustion, complex syndromes, and depression.

Unreleased traumatic stress disrupts the nervous system and emotional balance. It puts the nervous system on high alert; this is accompanied by a whole list of inhibited tendencies which manifest as anxiety, panic, hyperactivity and vigilance, inability to relax, emotional flooding, sleeplessness, rage, and hostility.

The sooner we seek help after a traumatizing event, the better off we will be. If we live with the effects of trauma for too long, we tend to develop coping habits and survival strategies to help regulate the high energy arousal of the nervous system. These coping, proxy habits can, often as not, develop from soft options into focal points and serious problems in their own right. When I say coping habits, think of addictions like excessive medication, drugs, food, drink, sex/porn, gambling and/or shopping.

The emotional charge of trauma linked to a coping habit reinforces an unhealthy, cyclic, revolving door of intense build-up and release of energy in the nervous system.

An Overview of Complex PTSD and Trauma Symptoms:

​avoidance behavior
flash-backs and nightmares
chronic pains
emotional flooding
severe somatic reactions
dissociative identities
hysterical seizures
self-righteous behavior

amnesia of the event
emotional instability
hyperactivity and vigilance
emotional deadness/numbness
complex syndromes

​substance abuse
social isolation behavior
inability to relax
rage and hostility
projection into blame and guilt
sexual dysfunction

Possible Psychological Conditions Ensuing from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:

borderline personality disorder
bipolar disorder
manic depression
anxiety disorder
eating disorder

​sleep disorders
bulimia nervosa
mental illness
multiple personalities

personality disorders
post-surgery syndrome
dissociative disorders
obsessive compulsive
avoidance behavior

Possible Physical Conditions Ensuing from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:

migraine headache
multiple sclerosis
chronic fatigue syndrome
chest pain
lower back pain
shoulder pain
auto-immune disease

chronic pain
cardiovascular disease
cystic fibrosis
heart attack
neck pain

​high blood pressure
irritable bowel syndrome
joint pain
liver dysfunction

  • Patti says:

    Well said, thank you. I have grown quite weary of trying to explain what this struggle is like to others.Perhaps I’m just Not very good at it. Maybe I should carry printed copies of this with me for those who care at all to understand why functioning is such a challenge for me.

    • Melissa says:

      Hi Patti ♡, I’ve experienced this too, quite a bit with people seeming to not ‘get it, and seeming to not understand or relate. After spending quite some time with learning as much as I can about Developmental trauma, and what this means for me and the ways that this affects my life and relationships with other people, I have been recognizing how many people in my life seem to show so many similar symptoms as myself. I now strongly believe that people often react the way they do when faced with talk about PTSD because of their own dissociation. There could be a very real chance that these people are actually suffering from PTSD themselves, and denial is how they cope with their condition and trauma. Recognizing can be very painful, and I personally have experienced this myself- blocking out the reality can be done unconsciously ♡

    • Roland says:

      Trauma is widespread among the general population and denial often shows up as disease at some point. Developmental issues certainly are staple diet for the young. That we may learn and grow through adversity and move out of blame and the past.

  • Monica says:

    Thank you for your information! My four sons & I were in a car crash nearly 11 years ago that killed my Mother. The crash was a result of a drunk driver. I did everything I could as a parent to help them but one of my sons particularly has had a difficult time & was recently diagnosed w/ PTSD & depression. This information has been helpful to me to explain to others who think that PTSD only effects people in the military. My son is 19 now & was 8 when the crash occurred.

  • Mary says:

    I felt the symptoms of this after having an emergency caesarian section birth with my 2nd son and he didn’t sleep through the night for 3 years . I have always thought it was PTSD since then but have not shared that view with anyone else ever as I thought I would be laughed at. I now have Ulcerative Colitis,Fibromyalgia,Osteoarthritis and have had Depression …basically I don’t do stress well and never have done …very glad to see the list of things you have on here as it helps to be able to see how things come about and promotes understanding within the self of why life can be as it is.

    • Roland says:

      Unfortunately the traumatic effects of unexpected surgery or illness are not really well publicized. I have worked quite extensively and successfully with women after surgery and cesarean to help them get their life back. Get in touch.

  • Nuria says:

    Very good resume and good insights into cause-effect symptoms.

  • Dianne says:

    My trauma occurred in 1967 after forced adoption of my baby. Heavily drugged in hospital and kept in that state for 12 days. I have blocked that time but still suffer from depression and FMS/CFS.

    • Roland says:

      In time I sincerely hope you will be ready to start addressing all that is locked up within the blocking out and depression. To Heal.

  • Emma says:

    I suffer from PTSD after losing my 5 month old daughter to SIDS, I have never had counselling but i am taking 40mg of citalopram and zapain to help me cope. Its life changing and real hard… real hard…. but i keep going for my 2 little boys..

  • Jason says:

    I was sexually and physically abused from age 7-13. It caused me to develop a cycle of forming abusive relationships. I have been shot and stabbed as a result of poor choices. I now hurt everyday and can barely make it through the day. Therapy has been tried with no improvement. Medication has not worked. I keep having flashbacks and beginning to wonder if it is worth fighting any more.

    • Roland says:

      Thanks for writing here. I know it is extremely hard when you are deep down below and the mindset you are in will color your reality. One of the first steps to take is to start creating a support group. That could be family, friends, (anonymous) group meetings, online forums or pages and a good therapist. I know this might feel counterintuitive but it works to get momentum towards recovery. It can be a long road indeed but take it little step by little step day by day.

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