Working Through Self-Defeat & PTSD

Self-defeat is a common symptom of Complex Trauma or PTSD.

It is an expression of a shutdown-freeze state and is frequently accompanied by depression.

Being in a state of depression and shutdown represents the outer layer of dissociation. Closely tied to this are the thought patterns of self-defeat, which may manifest as “nothing is going to help” or “I am never going to get out of this.”


Unfortunately, these shutdown states and self-defeating thoughts are all too common with PTSD and Complex Trauma.

They trap you in a cycle of identification, making it difficult to break free. Your emotional state generates these thoughts, and the thoughts, in turn, reinforce the emotional state.

Recognizing this process in your own mind is the first step toward breaking free from it. Awareness can place you at a crossroads, enabling you to break these reinforcement patterns and begin moving away from a self-defeating or victim mindset.

The Next Step Is Action!

You want to engage with activities, people, and material that help lift you up. That gets your energy moving again.

Physical exercise is a great way of moving out of a stagnant state and should become an established daily habit.

A 15-30-minute mandatory daily walk, no matter what, can help clear a lot of brain fog.

Engaging with the right material that help shine light onto your PTSD and Complex Trauma patterns can further hep you to move out of them and prep you for next stages of healing.


If you’re on a tight budget, the blog section on my website offers a wealth of free material that you can revisit as often as needed.

If you want to do more profound work - you can engage with my courses.

  • These courses delve deeply into survival mechanisms of fight, flight, please-appease, and freeze.
  • They cover the layers of dissociation, from core overwhelming emotions to coping mechanisms, excessive thoughts, addictions, and shutdown states like depression.
  • Additionally, they address symptoms of projection and reenactment, showing how the past imposes itself on your present and perpetuates suffering into the future.
  • You’ll gain a cognitive framework to deeply understand your experiences, along with tools to address and process stored emotional residue through the guided somatic meditations.

Don’t stay stuck in self-defeat patterns!

Take action and begin your next stage of recovery!

Check out all our courses here below:

The Trauma Care Exclusive Package

Start reversing the process of dissociation with The Trauma Essentials Series & The Trauma Care Meditations

Course on Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

When you have decided that enough is enough; healing from narcissistic abuse 

Course On Sleep & Insomnia

Related to Post-Traumatic Stress

Improve restless sleep, sleeplessness & insomnia

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