Hello, I am Roland Bal
I am dedicated to helping others resolve their Post-Traumatic Stress and have set up various resources through this website's platform to achieve that.
I use a cognitive and somatic (body) based psychotherapeutic approach to effectively treat Complex Trauma and PTSD; my approach focuses on teaching you to regulate, process and contain the processes of dissociation, the fight-flight-freeze-please responses, and to relearn boundaries and vulnerability.

My Background
About me
I am constantly learning and exploring.
Although I try to pace myself, I often have a few books on the go, I am following and interested in various studies, I have a few trips planned, and I am working on several projects.
I dropped out of school when I was 19 out of sheer boredom and because I was getting into too much trouble with substance use, due to not being challenged in school. I dislike straitjackets, labels and small boxes.
The world became my classroom, foreign cultures and countries my lessons, and all the beautiful people I have been fortunate enough to connect with, my teachers. I hit the road and spent years looking for truth in India and southeast Asia. I sat with Rinpoches in remote monasteries in the Himalayas, and with revered Swamis in their ashrams, but those didn’t do it for me.
The truth is within, as the saying goes, and so I began.
It has not all been a bed of roses and sunshine for me. I know intense suffering, loss, and loneliness, and what it feels like to be locked up in one’s mind. Pride has been my barrier many times, preventing me from opening up and moving forward. Eventually, it became my ally and pride has grown into discernment rather than remaining an obstacle.
What I Seek
It is experiential knowing—which is a combination of knowledge and felt experience—that rocks my boat. It is that which I seek when connecting with others, or pursuing new fields of exploration.
It is essence and simplicity that I am interested in, while going beyond or moving through complexity; it is that state of meditation without effort whereby you feel you are coming back home within yourself.
Of all the different fields of study and explorations, it is this that remains for me the most vital, the most essential to touch upon: to feel alive, to feel sanely human. Essence and simplicity are my starting points and ending points when I work with you one-on-one, and when I give courses or presentations.
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Personal History

I am currently living in the Algarve, Portugal, with my lovely wife.
My travels and living in different countries forced me to learn various languages which include English, Dutch (native language), French, German, and now also Spanish. I started working with people one-on-one when I was 22 and was initially interested in resolving and working with chronic pains.
I had private practices in Holland and Luxembourg before moving to Spain. Currently, I work online providing counseling and online courses with a focus on Resolving Complex Trauma and PTSD.
My life and work influences include the teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti and subsequently Prof. David Bohm; Vipassana meditation and dream work based on Carlos Castaneda/Don Juan, and Robert Monroe.
My primary fields and backgrounds of study are Cranio-Sacral therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Somatic Emotional Release, Somatic Experiencing, Developmental Trauma, and Coaching.
My related fields of study through supervision, personal therapy, or colleague interactions are Jungian psychotherapy, Gestalt, Hypnotherapy, Non-violent Communication, Positive Psychology, Theatre, and Martial Arts.
That said, it is the many years of group dialogue interactions and working with many clients that have taught me the most over the years. It is people like you and me really, connecting, sharing suffering and touching upon a state of loving, which allows us to be more inherently ourselves.
Roland Bal
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