Why Meditation for Trauma Isn’t Always a Good Thing

and Learn what you can do to move out of a dissociated, fatigued, anxious, and depressed state—within weeks—and start to feel more alive and joyful again!

Start Your Recovery from Complex Trauma or PTSD Today!


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The Trauma Care Exclusive Package

Your two-step approach to resolving Complex Trauma or PTSD

Step #1: You need the cognitive part (a top-down approach) to get clear of what happened to you.

You can’t skip it.

That said, just the cognitive part isn’t enough to see progress.

Step #2: You also need to address what is held in the body (a bottom-up approach) which is your emotional residue.

In the Trauma Care Exclusive Package—consisting of The Trauma Essential Series and The Trauma Care Meditations—I give you a clear two-step approach to help you successfully recover from Trauma.

About The Course Facilitator,

Roland Bal

In the field since 2002, I have helped thousands of people, through individual sessions, to make significant change in their personal well being. Additionally, I have reached many more through my insightful, accurate, and descriptive writings about the harrowing conditions of Complex Trauma and PTSD, and have pointed the way towards what can be done about it in order to heal.

My unique approach focuses on containing, regulating and processing, dissociation, the fight-flight-freeze-please responses, and re-learning boundaries and vulnerability.
I’ll be honored to work with you and help you make real progress towards recovery!

Roland Bal

Step #1 

The Trauma Essential Series

Get the ultimate blueprint to make sense of your Post-Trauma Symptoms; helping you to remove or reduce guilt, blame, shame, self-reproach, self-sabotage, and self-defeat!


Insights into Post-Trauma Dynamics

Discover why overcoming trauma can be challenging, including control issues, boundary ruptures, vulnerability, nervous system impacts, and identity restructuring. This ebook offers insights into the intimate workings of your mind, heart, and emotions during and after trauma.


Symptoms, and Conditions of Trauma

Understand how trauma triggers chronic pain, exhaustion, bipolar disorder, depression, and addiction. This ebook offers clarity on the connection between your experiences, emotions, and nervous system, explaining why you suffer certain symptoms.


Developmental Childhood Trauma

This ebook explores identity and nervous system patterns related to childhood trauma. It addresses reenactment, developmental and attachment trauma, illness habits, suppressed anger, love, sex, and vulnerability. “Past – Present – Future” highlights the long-term effects of childhood trauma, offering a new perspective.


Insights into Post-Trauma Dynamics

This ebook examines dissociation from physical, emotional, and spiritual perspectives, linking them to personality types. The second part focuses on resolving Post-Traumatic Stress and CPTSD by healing anxiety, fear, desire, and overcoming obstacles, with insights into time perspectives, resilience, and growth.


Questions & Answers

Bonus #1: In addition to the four Trauma Essential eBooks, you’ll receive the “Insights into the Complexity of Trauma – Questions and Answers” eBook. This bonus offers my unique approach to trauma, addressing real-time concerns and questions from people like you.


Insights into Post-Trauma Dynamics

Bonus #2: Dr. Art and I had six in-depth conversations on dissociation and its links to trauma and character expression. This new eBook, now part of The Trauma Essential Series, reveals how trauma affects coping mechanisms and offers healing insights from two trauma professionals.

LisaUnited States
More helpful to me than many counselors.

These eBooks have been more helpful to me than the many counselors that I have tried throughout my life. Thank you so much for writing these and making them available to people like me.
BarrySouth Africa
I am truly relieved to come across Roland's eBooks.

After years of suffering and countless therapists and medications I am truly relieved to come across Roland and his eBooks that gives me the explanations that have eluded me all of this time at 48.
These eBooks have meant the world to me!

These eBooks have meant the world to me. They tied together symptoms and behaviors that years of psychoanalysis and self study have not done. Now I have an explanation and I can finally get a grip on the problem.


$ 75
x 2
  • Huge Discount
  • The Trauma Care Meditations
    (12 somatic guided meditations)
  • The Trauma Essential Series
    (6 eBooks, 531 pages)
  • Life-Time Access!
  • Only Two Payments

Step #2

The Trauma Care Guided Meditations

A Unique Body-Awareness Approach that helps you to move out of a dissociated, fatigued, anxious, and depressed state and to start feeling more alive and joyful again!

LynnUnited States
You do have to start where you are.

I have found the meditations to be useful on a number of levels. They have helped me to better manage my anxiety and my response to intrusive memories; they have taught me a lot about myself, and they have taught me a lot about trauma. I listen to them often, and each time I learn something new. Roland's approach is logical, sensitive, and validating, which makes these an excellent resource for recovery. I recommend them highly and without reservation.
KristinUnited States
They are simple and efficient.

I’ve always wanted to use meditation to my benefit. But, I was afraid because I didn’t know what I was doing and with severe disassociation, I knew I needed to be careful. The best thing about Roland’s meditations is that they are simple and efficient, and they don’t overwhelm you. I still have a long way to go, but they are teaching me how to sit with my emotions. To be able to acknowledge them and not, as before, push them away gives me back some power. I believe it’s the beginning of my healing process. I haven’t felt hope in a long time, and I can’t hold onto it for long, but just knowing it’s still there for me is amazing.
AshvinNew Zealand
They have completely changed my perspective.

Thank you, Roland, for the trauma care meditations, I've been actively using them for about 1 month now and they have completely changed my perspective on my healing and allowed for lots of energy to start moving. For the first time in almost a year I could feel the breathing in my ribs after a meditation session. And I'm learning to be with my fatigue instead of fighting it which is proving effective. Your insight and soothing voice helps guide me to a space in which change can occur. Very grateful for your work.

Why You Need The Trauma Care Meditations

Follow a deliberate step-by-step reconnecting with the body through the Trauma Care Meditations. Starting from a state of dissociation and busyness of the head, be guided to—slowly and carefully—come back into the body.

  1. Address disconnection and dissociation, the head and the busyness of thought;
  2. Work with the fight, flight, and freeze activation, and illustrating how they relate to tensions in the neck, back of the head, and the adrenals and kidneys;
  3. Slowly move you further into the body by going into the heart and the chest area, allowing the feeling, weight, heaviness, and sadness to be felt and brought into awareness, to help you process emotional residue;
  4. Help you work through anxiety, self-image, fatigue, depression, and boundaries related to the liver, diaphragm, solar plexus, kidneys, and the lower back area; and
  5. Invite you to safely engage with silence, while managing healthy boundaries and allowing vulnerability.
Major resource in healing trauma.

I have found Roland’s trauma care meditations to be a major resource for me in healing from trauma. I use them regularly. Roland’s knowledge of trauma is incredible and the meditations are delivered at slow and steady pace. I find this very helpful for keeping myself regulated and for building resilience.
Worth every penny spent.

I have been listening to the meditations and they are worth every penny spent. I have been working with a trauma therapist for several years, and I have learned and grown a lot, but these meditations have done more to help me connect with myself and my body in ways that I haven't done in the two years with my psychologist. I am very grateful to have these and will be listening to them regularly. Thank you so very much for creating them and making them available.
You have gained my trust 100%.

You are a master at meditation and your knowledge of Complex PTSD is beyond anything I have ever known. It is hard to trust when you suffer from trauma but you have gained my trust 100% with your caring and understanding approach. I hope everyone gets the opportunity to learn from you and experience the meditations that are so helpful.

Want to See Real Results in Your  Trauma Recovery?

Get these benefits and outcomes NOW by starting to work with The Trauma Care Exclusive Package!

Listen to the meditation—Beyond Fatigue & Anxiety—that is part of the Trauma Care Package!

Dive into the meditation—Meeting Fatigue, Exhaustion, & Tiredness Constructively—in the package.

by working with the meditation—Early Life Dysfunctional Wiring and Healthy Nervous System Functioning.

with the—Coping with Anxiety & Control & Moving Into Relaxation—meditation.

by using the—Contained Anger as Healthy Boundaries & The Connecting with Energy—Meditations.

Tried and Proven! 

Here is what others have said about working with The Trauma Care Exclusive Package

Why You Can’t Miss-Out!

Get relief in as quick as 20min, easy, from the comfort of your home, affordable and non-recurring payment, and lifetime access.

Frequently Asked Questions

These meditations aren’t intended to replace individual counseling but rather to complement or for those who aren’t ready to work with someone one-on-one just yet.
Yes, I address both dissociation and activation repeatedly. These meditations are specifically designed for those who are dealing with trauma. The intent is to enter and exit emotional territory with care to build up sufficient containment and resilience to be able to process emotional residue.
This course is for anyone who feels the need to work on his or her Post-Traumatic Stress, and who resonates with my material. If you have felt misunderstood by the regular healthcare system, if you are in need of an holistic approach to trauma, if you want to work through your emotional residue in a constructive way, this course is likely to resonate with you. If you are suicidal or have a history of psychosis, this course might be contraindicative and I would suggest you seek individual tailored help first.
Yes, they are in mp3 format and can be downloaded onto any device that you want to. You can also listen to them directly online.

Be cautious of anyone who promises you results, especially in the field of trauma. Results are dependent on you doing the work. I am providing you with the know-how and the tools to the best of my abilities. It is up to you to put it into practice to see results.

I come from a bodywork background and am fully trained in CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, and Somato-Emotional Release. I have only partially done Somatic Experiencing as there was too much overlap between SomatoEmotional Release that I didn’t care to finish that study. I have been working in this field for 20 years now and have developed a solid approach to working with Complex Trauma and PTSD, integrating a somatic and cognitive approach. My current approach towards working with trauma is influenced by the training listed above and my 20 years of experience in practice.

This Stuff Works! 

Listen to others

Are You Ready to Make Significant Change in Your Recovery?

It’s Time to Move Out of an Anxious, Fatigued, and Depressed State and Get Your Life Back!

Step #1 – The Trauma Essential Series (6 eBooks)

Step #2 – The Trauma Care Guided Meditations (12 meditations)




ONLY: $97
